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Purchasing Decision-Makers


Home Improvement Retailers


$2 Million+ in Annual Sales




Highest-Quality Circulation in the Industry

Hardware Retailing reaches the decision-makers you want to deliver your brand message to.

Hardware Retailing remains the industry-leader in qualified circulation with nearly 84 percent first-year qualified subscribers, 18 percent more than its nearest competitor. This means you can rest assured that your message is being delivered to independent retailers who have requested the magazine.

What Readers Are Saying

Hardware Retailing is the industry's leading publication because of its highly engaged readers.

Independent home improvement retailers view the magazine as a business tool to help them develop new ideas, find new products and stay ahead of their competitors. Hardware Retailing checks in with its readers on the value, quality and type of information it provides to ensure that it is consistently providing relevant, engaging content.

Read more about Hardware Retailing’s audience and circulation by downloading the media kit today.


``Hardware Retailing is an excellent source for information on new products.``


``I've added a product to my store that I first saw in Hardware Retailing.``


``I pass Hardware Retailing on to at least one other person at my business every month.``


``Hardware Retailing is the most valuable publication for my business.``

Source: Hardware Retailing Magazine Readership Study/NRHA Research